German Telekom
—– interactive — powerful — digital —–


Deut­sche Tele­kom pres­ents the future of digi­tal life at the renow­ned Mobi­le World Con­gress in Bar­ce­lo­na. The focus is on topics such as 5G, digi­tiza­ti­on and “The City of Tomor­row. And we are the­re: Mae­de­bach is sur­fing the Magen­ta wave!





Fair &

Exhi­bi­ti­on construction


1200 sqm







With spec­ta­cu­lar trade fair archi­tec­tu­re and inter­ac­ti­ve exhi­bits, Deut­sche Tele­kom is alre­a­dy show­ing what is pos­si­ble in the net­work of the future. Digi­tal inno­va­tions that can be expe­ri­en­ced and an acti­ve dis­cour­se on the facets of digi­tal socie­ty. That’s how you break visi­tor records.

Our actions

Tele­kom pro­vi­des the high-per­for­mance net­work and we pro­vi­de the fal­se bot­tom. Dream team! In addi­ti­on, we bring the 240 m² dou­ble flo­or to the start. In addi­ti­on, a visi­tors’ stand with a view of the sophisti­ca­ted­ly con­s­truc­ted stage plat­form with a high throat, opti­cal­ly manu­fac­tu­red as if from a sin­gle mould.

A varie­ty of flo­or cove­rings meet each other smooth­ly and sty­li­sed data lines twitch through the flo­or over a length of 140 m as inte­gra­ted run­ning lights. We pro­ve here that we have a knack for every mate­ri­al. Be it the reflec­ti­ve Magen­ta Mir­ror HPL, the iri­de­s­cent foil for the 6 m high VR bar back wall, be it lac­que­r­ed sur­faces or coverings.

What else?