Design — Plan­ning — Design

Graphics & Design

To design or not to design.
That is the question here.

“I’d have to see that.” You got it. Becau­se we visua­li­ze
our ser­vices for you and do the design plan­ning in-house. Espe­ci­al­ly with spa­ti­al designs, this often helps a lot to be satis­fied with the result in the end.



For all pha­ses of the plan­ning process.


For the right tech­ni­que in construction.


Becau­se machi­nes are­n’t the only way.

The word graphic comes from the
Greek and means picturesque.

Good gra­phic design is tim­e­l­ess. We can judge quite well, becau­se we have seen a lot. No mat­ter how and why you are some­whe­re: The eye is with you. A coher­ent design is a key fac­tor for your suc­cess. We offer it to you.

Digital. Fabric. Foil. Light wall.
Silkscreen. Spray can. 

& light walls

& decor

Digital prints
for textiles

Form­er­ly concealed



I, Mat­thi­as Lesch, have been working as a deco­ra­tor at Mae­de­bach for 30 years. In the­se years I have seen ever­y­thing that cus­to­mers want. And we have always been able to make it happen. 


Deco­ra­ti­on and craft­sman­ship are inse­pa­ra­ble in my pro­fes­si­on. Accu­ra­cy is the be-all and end-all. 

Deco is more

Deco­ra­ti­ons are what real­ly make life beau­tiful. I love to put the icing on the cake for our pro­jects. Only then, in my opi­ni­on, the drop is sucked. 

Who are you try­ing to convince?