The strong heart of our pro­duc­tion facilities



50 per­cent of our car­pen­ters have over 20 years of pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence and are hap­py to share it. Their skill in hand­ling the mate­ri­al wood ensu­res pre­cis­i­on, speed and per­fect pro­ces­sing of orders. 


Part of Maedebach’s prin­ci­ple as a reco­g­nis­ed and renow­ned trai­ning com­pa­ny is the skilful com­bi­na­ti­on of young and old. That is why we regu­lar­ly take on the best of our trainees.


Wood is a mate­ri­al that does not for­gi­ve mista­kes in machi­ning. One wrong mea­su­re­ment, one care­less­ness at the saw and the work­pie­ce is unusable. Con­cen­tra­ti­on and skill, that is the core of craftsmanship. 


Accor­ding to your designs we rea­li­ze ever­y­thing from the stairs to the car­port in wood accor­ding to your wishes.


One of the main disci­pli­nes of our car­pen­try. Accor­ding to the mot­to “you never chan­ge a first impres­si­on” we pay atten­ti­on to the clea­nest work­man­ship and top surfaces.

Shipping crates

Robust, desi­gned for opti­mal logi­sti­cal pro­ces­ses, easy to store and trans­port. That’s how you build good boxes.


Our supre­me disci­pli­ne of wood craft­sman­ship. This appli­es to pri­va­te cli­ents who expect jewels as well as to com­mer­cial builders.

Hygiene protection

It does­n’t always have to be just a spit shield. From a simp­le hygie­ne par­ti­ti­on to a com­ple­te vac­ci­na­ti­on cent­re — we ensu­re clean air.

Large quantities

This is whe­re it real­ly gets down to busi­ness. Our hori­zon­tal divi­ding sys­tem in com­bi­na­ti­on with our nes­t­ing CNC can easi­ly imple­ment seve­ral thousand work steps per day.



Orga­niza­ti­on and equip­ment are half the battle

Production diversity

We saw almost everything.

Straight, cur­ved, thick, thin, old, new — we cut ever­y­thing to size.

We’ll build it!

Walls, cei­lings, coun­ters, cabi­nets — there’s just about not­hing we can’t build. 
let’s take it literally
Man and machi­ne in harmony.
let’s take it literally
Man and machi­ne in harmony.
let’s take it literally
Man and machi­ne in harmony.
let’s take it literally
Man and machi­ne in harmony.
let’s take it literally
Man and machi­ne in harmony.

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