Let’s start
something together

Mae­de­bach — stands for team spi­rit. Team spi­rit that has been built up over many years, but is also always streng­the­ned by new impul­ses. We work at eye level, with con­fi­dence in inde­pen­dent action and are always the­re as a back­up for the team. If that sounds like some­thing you can ima­gi­ne as a work envi­ron­ment, then app­ly to join us! And if you’­re loo­king for some­thing that’s not offe­red down there?

Unso­li­ci­ted application!


Our car­pen­try is loo­king for rein­force­ment! You love working with wood and panel mate­ri­als? You see chal­lenges ins­tead of problems?

Then cont­act us!

Site manager

As a site mana­ger, you car­ry a lot of respon­si­bi­li­ty. Becau­se our con­s­truc­tion sites and the smooth run­ning of them are our core busi­ness. You have ever­y­thing in view and like to work “out­doors”?

Then get in touch with us!

Wood mechanic

We invest in our juni­or staff non-stop, which means in you too. Modern machi­nes, an open, honest team and reasonable con­di­ti­ons are what you are loo­king for?

Then app­ly with us!


An intern­ship should be prac­ti­cal. At least that’s how we see it. Get a tas­te of what we have to offer — we offer many dif­fe­rent prac­ti­cal careers.

Inte­res­ted? Then app­ly with us!