Wel­co­me to the world of


Paint shop

Sin­ce time imme­mo­ri­al, colours have dif­fe­ren­tia­ted impres­si­ons, moods and sur­faces. They stand for iden­ti­ty and cha­rac­ter. Colours are the most obvious expres­si­on of cor­po­ra­te iden­ti­ty. Our paint team the­r­e­fo­re meti­cu­lous­ly coor­di­na­tes every sur­face with cus­to­mer wis­hes and plans. 

Modern Work

We con­ver­ted our paint booth two years ago.
Now we paint water-based.

This is not a trend, but conviction.

And we also dry with infrared.


A good coa­ting equ­als a good sur­face. But abo­ve all: it’s the mix­tu­re that makes the difference.


Litt­le spray mist thanks to opti­mum extra­c­tion, envi­ron­men­tal­ly com­pa­ti­ble paints, top tools and pro­tec­ti­ve clot­hing — this is how per­fect sur­faces are created.


One speck of dust and it’s all over. That’s why our pre­mi­se is: Bet­ter 10 x pre­pared than 100 x postprepared.


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