—– sporty — spruced up — cool —–


The line is clear in the stu­dio of BODYMOVEMENTS. Pro­fes­sio­nal per­so­nal trai­ning is offe­red here. The ambi­ence of the stu­dio was bathed in a who­le new light with our help. A forest gla­de floo­ded with sun­light sur­rounds the ath­le­te, func­tion­al fur­ni­tu­re made of mari­ti­me pine appears warm and casu­al at the same time. Eye-cat­cher num­ber one: the “Wall of Fame” gal­lery of stars. Abo­ve ever­y­thing shi­nes the exis­ten­ti­al tri­um­vi­ra­te of prin­ci­ples for the finish: reason, pati­ence and discipline.

Loca­ti­on: Schim­mel­hof, Brunswick

Per­for­mance: Stu­dio extension

Size: 320 sqm

Year: 2021

Con­cept: mae­de­bach
