—– small — large — individual —–

Volkswagen AG

The con­tent deter­mi­nes the size.

For trade fairs and exhi­bi­ti­ons, the pack­a­ging mate­ri­al will be stored with a local for­war­der during the event. Bil­ling is per cubic meter.

Our col­lap­si­ble pack­a­ging boxes are easy on the bud­get becau­se the design allows the volu­me of a pack­a­ging unit to be redu­ced to 85 %.

Loca­ti­on: Exhi­bi­ti­on cent­re warehouse, Isenbüttel

Per­for­mance: Ship­ping crates

Quan­ti­ty: 50 piece

Year: 2020

Con­cept: MSL logi­stics GmbH
