—– sustainable — consistent — consistent —–


Also this year our cus­to­mer Hecke­werth uses our in-house exhi­bi­ti­on sys­tem M2.
The wall panels are from the customer’s ran­ge and are used in a recy­clable man­ner. Respon­si­ble, con­sis­tent and durable.

The Hecke­werth mot­to: “We respect the past. We live the pre­sent. We invest in the future.” We are hap­py to go along with this motto.

Loca­ti­on: Cara­van Salon, Düsseldorf

Per­for­mance: Trade fair & exhi­bi­ti­on construction

Size: 50 sqm

Year: 2022

Con­cept: grei­we con­cept e.K.
