—– pioneering — sustainable — natural —–


ENERTRAG is at home in the world of the gre­at pro­mi­sing topics “wind ener­gy” and “hydro­gen pro­duc­tion”. We were invol­ved in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the new, fresh stand con­s­truc­tion con­cept. A fle­xi­ble wall con­s­truc­tion sys­tem made of real wood veneer, manu­fac­tu­red by us, opti­mal­ly under­lines the ENERTRAG mes­sa­ges and crea­tes a warm and invi­ting atmo­sphe­re. Matching fur­ni­tu­re with steel frames from our own pro­duc­tion com­ple­te the pic­tu­re perfectly.

Loca­ti­on: Wind­Ener­gy, Hamburg

Per­for­mance: Exhi­bi­ti­on stand con­s­truc­tion + coordination

Size: 97,5 sqm + 24 sqm

Year: 2022

Con­cept: Latt­ke and Lattke
