—– precise — present — personal —–

Volkswagen AG

At the 63rd Annu­al Gene­ral Mee­ting of Volks­wa­gen Akti­en­ge­sell­schaft in the City­Cu­be Ber­lin, we will once again pre­sent
impres­si­ve figu­res.
On 14,000 squa­re meters of exhi­bi­ti­on and usable space, we are buil­ding an ent­rance foy­er, front office, press cen­ter, audi­to­ri­um, stage and back­stage area, casi­no and pro­mo­ter cate­ring, crew accre­di­ta­ti­on, orga office and vehic­le dis­play areas.

Loca­ti­on: City­Cu­be, Mes­se Berlin

Per­for­mance: Events & Congresses

Size: 14.000 sqm

Year: 2023

Con­cept: Dou­ble H Design
