—– big-important-new —–

Volkswagen AG

The Annu­al Gene­ral Mee­ting moves from Ham­burg to Ber­lin. We fol­low suit and deli­ver impres­si­ve figu­res:

- 1,877 chairs,
- Stage back wall 41.00 x 10.30 m (WxH),
- Pro­jec­tion screen 26.00 x 5.00 m (WxH).

We are buil­ding the press cent­re, share­hol­der cate­ring, audi­to­ri­um, stage and back­stage casi­no. In addi­ti­on, the vehic­le exhi­bi­ti­on with one vehic­le from each of the 12 brands.


Loca­ti­on: City­Cu­be, Mes­se Berlin

Per­for­mance: Events & Congresses 

Size: 13,000 sqm

Year: 2019

Con­cept: Dou­ble H Design
