—– unbeatable — strong — fully involved —–

German Telekom

It does­n’t always have to be a who­le soc­cer field … we’­re also in top form in a small space. Deut­sche Tele­kom is exhi­bi­ting at KOOP in Ber­lin tog­e­ther with co-exhi­bi­tor Cong­star.
For the offi­ci­al part­ner of the upco­ming UEFA Euro 2024, all signs point to soc­cer fever. We sup­p­ly the back­drop in con­ven­tio­nal con­s­truc­tion as an all-round care­free packa­ge for our cus­to­mer.
And now: kick-off! The guests can come.

Loca­ti­on: KOOP, Berlin

Per­for­mance: Fairs & Exhibitions

Size: 72 sqm

Year: 2024

Con­cept: maedebach
